
August 23, 2012

Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork

Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork (also known as the Order Castle Marienburg) Order Castle Marienburg served as the residence of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order from 1309 to 1456 years. It is the largest Middle Ages brick castle in the world, one of the standards of the brick Gothic, UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Name:     Castle Marienburg
Country:  Poland  
Location: Pomeranian Voivodeship, Malbork 
Architectural style: Gothic

Material: Brick 

Start of construction: 1274 

Condition: restored and opened to the public 
In 1274, castle in honor of the Virgin Mary was built on the bank of Nogat River (mouth of the Vistula River) by the Teutonic Knights. In 1309, the Grand Master of the Order moved to the castle from Venice. In the 14th century, the castle was rebuilt and extended many times. Inside the castle walls was an area of 210 thousand square meters, and the number of inhabitants of the castle in the best years was close to three thousand.
After the defeat of the Knights of Grunwald residence of the Grand Master's has undergone a long siege. City of Marienburg was destroyed, but the castle itself to take so and failed. In 1456 the Master gave castle in payment of a debt Bohemian mercenaries and moved to Koenigsberg, and his mercenaries have resold the Polish king Casimir IV. So Castle became part of Poland and became a royal residence, as well as serve as a huge arsenal.
Because of the Swedish invasion in the 17thI century, the castle fell into disrepair. During the Napoleonic Wars in Marienburg placed an arsenal and barracks. After the partition of Poland,  the romantic ruins were pointed by Prussian architect David Gilly, who along with his son Frederick published their sketches. Berlin Gothic fans raised money for the reconstruction of the castle, which was launched in 1816.
With the advent of the early 1930s, Adolf Hitler's Nazis used the castle as a place of annual pilgrimage for members of the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls. Teutonic castle of Marienburg was the basis for creating the Order's Castle organized by the Third Reich during the reign of Hitler.
The Second World War has left in place the smoking ruins of the castle, but the Polish government decided to restore the castle in pre-war state. Only cathedral to this day remains as ruins.
 World War II ruins of the castle after the battle
Currently here is houses the Castle Museum. The exhibition of the Museum shows collections of military equipment, amber, porcelain, pottery, furniture and jewelry.
Turists are  impressed by great walls of the Middle and High Castle, built of red brick building with towers and gates and different technical solutions, as well as innovations of the Middle Ages, for example, an interesting system of central heating.
Tourists are attracted by theatrical performance "light and sound", which leaves a lasting impression and a visit to the castle at night. In the halls of the castle concerts and knights in a medieval-style banquet. On every last Saturday and Sunday of July here are organized outdoor activities "Siege of Malbork."

 In the preparation of this article, were partially used materials of website:


  1. Отличная статья)!!

  2. Замечательная статья, красивые места и замки !

  3. Interesting article about the castle of the Teutonic Order. And the castle just lovely sight. Although I would like to know more about the history of the castle in the Middle Ages.

    (Интересная статья про замок тевтонского ордена. И сам замок просто загляденье. Хотя хотелось бы узнать побольше про историю замка в средневековье.)

  4. Интересная статья! Прочитав хочется увидеть всё собственными глазами! Классно! Аж дух захватывает!

  5. Занимательная статья, я как начинающий в изучении английского хорошо и попрактиковался и знания плучил

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