
September 13, 2012

Hunyad Castle

The Hunyad Castle or Castelul Corvinilor is the family nest of the feudal house Hunyadi on a rock above the small river Zlaşti in southern Transylvania, in the modern Romanian city of Hunedoara.

Attribution: Koponya25, License
Name:   Hunyad Castle or  
              Castelul Corvinilor

Country:         Romania

City:                Hunedoara

Style:   Gothic-Renaissance castle

Renaissance Material: Brick 

Construction: 1307-1315

Condition: restored and opened to the public 

Hunyad Castle was built by King Charles I of Hungary, after his visit in Temesvár (Timişoara), Kingdom of Hungary (now Romania), over the site of an older Roman fortification in 1307. The King decided to set up residence there. The building, probably built by Italian builders, was finished in 1315 and in 1316 the King was already established in the new castle, where he lived almost eight years. The last document signed by him in Timisoara dated June 15, 1323. That fortress had an oval shape, and the only defensive tower was located in the north wing, while on the south side of her closed brick wall. 
Attribution: Dasone, License 
In 1409, the castle and the surrounding land were given to John Hunyadi's father, Voyk, by Sigismund, king of Hungary, as severance. As one of the most important properties of John Hunyadi, the castle was transformed during his reign. It became a sumptuous home, not only a strategically enforced point. John Hunyadi implemented two phases of restructuring and expansion of the castle and its surroundings. The first phase took place in 1441-1446.  And during that time it was built seven towers: four round and three triangular. The second stage took place in 1446-1453. During that time, the chapel was laid, as well as it was built the main hall and the south wing with outbuildings.
After John's death, the castle passed to his son Matthias (Matthias Corvinus). Under his order was built loggia in the north wing (also known as the "Loggia Matthias"), completed a chapel and continued work on decoration the castle. By that time castle has become a rare facility in Eastern Europe, combining the elements in its appearance late Gothic and early Renaissance.
Severe destruction of the castle Corwin were caused by a fire in 1854, which effectively destroyed the monument of architecture. Restoration work was carried out about a hundred years. The current castle is the result of a fanciful restoration campaign undertaken after a disastrous fire and many decades of total neglect. It is a large and imposing building with tall, peaked and diversely colored roofs, towers and myriad windows and balconies adorned with stone carvings. The castle fully corresponds to fabulous views of castles. The current look of the castle bears little resemblance to the one that was in the reign of John Hunyadi, however, despite all the changes and reconstruction remained intact the hall of honor "Neboisa", which means "Do not be afraid" in Serbian language. This room is kept the same shape as six centuries ago. 

In the castle yard, near the 15th-century chapel, there is a well 30 meters deep. According to the legend, this fountain was dug by twelve Turkish prisoners to whom liberty was promised if they reached water. After 15 years they succeeded and produced water, but their captors did not keep their promise. They say that after that inscription appeared on the well: "you have water, but not soul".
Hunedoara is a mandatory destination of those who travel Romania on the trail of Count Dracula. It is said that the legendary Vlad III of Wallachia (commonly known as Vlad the Impaler) lived here for a while, and as a prisoner. Because of these links, the Hunyad Castle is sometimes mentioned as a source of inspiration for Bram Stoker's Castle Dracula.
Interiors in its original form to this day have not been preserved, but the castle is a museum, which exhibits a great deal to tell us about medieval life. This are archaeological finds, ancient books, decorative arts and arms. In the halls regularly holds temporary exhibitions and concerts, including early music. In February 2007, Hunyad Castle played host to the British paranormal television program Most Haunted Live! for a three-night live investigation into the spirits reported to be haunting the castle. Results were inconclusive.

In the preparation of this article, were partially used materials of website:,  and

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, thank you for interesting site. Castles like in fairytail. Hope to see Hunyad this summer.
