
Castles in England

Attribution: Ron Strutt, License

Dover Castle is one of the most powerful of castles of Western Europe. Many centuries, it is the guardian of the shortest sea route from England to the Continent. Its location on the shore of the Strait of Pas-de-Calais, between Britain and France gave Dover castle of great strategic importance. For a long time he was considered the "key to England" due to its strategic position on the island... (read more)

Leeds Castle
This is a file from the

Leeds Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in England and is often referred to as 'the loveliest castle in the World'. The castle is situated on the River Len about 5 miles (8 km) southeast of the town of Maidstone, Kent, England. The name 'Leeds' originates from the name of a chief minister of King Ethelbert IV  called Ledian... (read more)

1 comment:

  1. Nice article... Sharing with you the Castello Sforzesco in Milan in youtube
    Read also the article in
